AO3:LonelyOcean,随缘: 无人海域

安德森的自传Coal Black Mornings尽管基调不甚欢快,里面还是有不少有趣片段的。摘几段我喜欢的:


① Crisps were one of the few foods I really craved as a child, and I clearly remember a fantasy I would occasionally allow to spool in my head whereby when I was grown up and had enough money I would buy myself a small mountain of them.



② The harsh censure that he'd reserved for my previous band seemed to have eased somewhat, possibly because he seemed to believe that Mat was, at least superficially, some sort of reincarnation of Franz Liszt. Indeed, in one of the many portraits of the composer that hung on the walls the likeness was uncanny, both sharing the same hawkish profile and distant, imperial countenance. Mat politely answered and reanswered the barrage of questions about his family's heritage, but my dad refused to be any less fascinated by him.



③ Anyway, stepping into a car with Alan could be perilous. At one point he managed to write off three cars in three weeks before he finally gave up and we started taking the tube everywhere again. … A sucker for punishment and obviously possessing a short memory, when I'd made some money in the late nineties I bought a nice car and as I had no licence needed a driver so I gave Alan the job. I think he lasted a day before I hired a professional.

德森吐槽好友兼长期室友Alan Fisher是个很糟的司机,三周报废了三台车……但是德森自己也没有好到哪里去,少年时期曾经把一台摩托车开进墙里去了,大腿到现在还留着疤(非常想看了!(←变态)。所以安德森你没驾照买车干嘛??? 

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